Circoscienze is Emotion Curiosity Education Teaching Training

Circoscienze combines fun and education, but there’s so much more! 

The game allows learners to hold knowledge in their hands. 

Playful, circus, and theatrical tools serve educational purposes. 

The teacher becomes invisible, organizing times, spaces, and providing tools for the learning process.

Discover what Circodidattica is.

Clown didattico vestito di rosso, davanti al pubblico con la Raffa


Scientific Animations.

Circoscienze offers courses and science education and dissemination shows, focusing on two key points: “educational innovation and skills-based teaching”. These courses are cross-cutting and aimed at teachers of all levels. 

Teacher Training.

Through circus and theatrical techniques, the course conductor tells fantastic and scientific stories, proposing interactive games to recreate circus experiences and analyze observed phenomena. This is also possible thanks to the “Educational Clown” who supports the learning and teaching process.

Who am I?

I am Pietro Olla, a middle school technology teacher, circus artist, trainer, and educational clown. I consider myself an architect of self-learning scenarios.

“I consider myself an architect of self-learning scenarios.”

Our Numbers

0 +
Years of experience
Circus Education Animations ready for you
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Career events

What they say about me

I remember Pietro as an excellent teacher in the Master in Science Communication at University of Cagliari, and now is a fine organizer and performer in Science Communication.
Andrea Mameli
Freelance Journalist, chief Communications Officer at CRS4 research
The most amazing science clown you will ever see. Pietro has superb communication skills and backs these up with a ton or empathy with his audience. Really very very good indeed!
David Price
Science communicator at science made simple

Source: LinkedIn

The Educational Clown is not the classic clown with red and green curly wigs, giant shoes, always smiling with a shrill voice. The term “Educational Clown” refers to the mental and communicative form with which the teacher/educator presents himself in class.

The Clown Trainer, the protagonist of this course, is simply a special teacher, with juggling and micromagic skills, listening skills, stage presence, and skills formed on theatrical stages. All this is also tested in classrooms with children of all ages.

Electronic engineer, educational clown, juggler, circus professional, and street artist.

bambini hebron

Electronic engineer, educational clown, juggler, circus professional, and street artist. From the streets to squares, schools, science museums; from the city of Cagliari to all over Sardinia, Italy, Europe, and beyond! My educational shows are the materialization of my two greatest passions: teaching and circus art.

What is the foundation of my work? The study and use of play as an effective pedagogical tool, even in the teaching of the most rigorous disciplines such as physics and mathematics.

I am firmly convinced that between the teaching of sciences and play, theater and movement, there is a significant educational potential that in turn facilitates learning.

How can this relationship be optimized? By using, in addition to training and professional tools, one’s own skills to transmit, communicate, and teach.

Brief summary of my work and training path:

  • Since 2014, I have been working as a tenured Technology teacher in secondary schools.
  • As a teacher, I have participated in numerous specialization schools and prestigious international training courses for teachers and scientific animators, including EASE Genova, Eureka Helsinki, and Copernicus Warsaw, Muse Trento, Tuttestorie Cagliari.
  • I worked as a lecturer in the University Master’s degree in scientific communication at the University of Cagliari, in 2009 and 2010.
  • I taught two courses for operators of small circus schools at the Università Tor Vergata in Rome, A.A. 2009/2010 and A.A. 2011/2012.


  • I graduated in Electronic Engineering from the University of Cagliari (2000).
  • I worked in the field of scientific research, from 2000 to 2002, in the field of Bio-electromagnetism, as a scholarship holder at the National Research Center – CNR.
  • At the same time, I undertook post-graduate training courses at the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development
  • ENEA, the Casaccia Research Center, the CNR Research Area of Pozzuoli, and the University of Cagliari.
  • In 2002, I began a new training process at the Museum of Sciences – MUSE (formerly MTSN) Trento. I developed my growing interest in dissemination and began educational and psychomotor research on the Circus and its pedagogical potential. From this moment on, I became a Circus professional.
  • In 2008, I obtained a Master’s degree in Scientific Communication from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

    For more information, I invite you to visit my LinkedIn profile.

Using our acquired skills to transmit, communicate, and teach, we have represented and represent our shows in Europe and various parts of the world.

We have worked at: Universitá3 Tor Vergata, Rome; APCC – Central De Circ – Barcelona, Spain; Universitá Tor Vergata – Course for Circus School Operators; University of Cagliari – Master’s in Scientific Communication; Schools of the Municipality of Quartu S.E.; Schools of the Municipality of Cagliari and at numerous European and international Festivals and Science Centers, including: OPEN DAY MUSE, Trento. FestivalScienza Cagliari, 2012, ‘11, ‘10, ‘08; Tridentine Museum, Trento, 2012; Urban Center, Rovereto 2012; Researchers’ Night, Cuneo, Turin, 2012; Festival des clown scientifique, Paris, France, 2012; Sharja’s Reading Book Fair, United Arab Emirates, 2012; Genoa Science Festival, 2011; Festival Nauke, Serbian Science Festival, Belgrade, Serbia 2010; Science PIKNIC – at Copernicus Science Centre Warsaw, Poland, 2010 and 2011; Children’s Book Festival, Sfax -Tunisia, 2010; Palestine and Israel -2002, 2004, 2006, 2008; Eureka, Science Center, Helsinki, Finland 2009; Cosmocaixa, Science Center, Madrid, Spain 2009; Science Weeks – Centroscienza – Turin, 2009; National Museum of Science and Technology – Madrid, Spain 2008.


The course “The Educational Clown” has been proposed and successfully carried out at numerous educational institutions, museums, entities, and universities in Europe and Italy, among these:


  • Training Courses for teachers 2021, 2022, 2023 MIUR ( Communication, Empathy, Steam Education, CODING 
  • Coop Tuttestorie March/April 2016, 2017 – activated course recognized by MIUR;
  • Municipality of Cagliari (4 courses of 10 hours for 70 teachers of all levels) A.S. 2012/13;
  • Tridentine Museum of Natural Sciences 2012, Trento;
  • Municipality of Quartu S.E. (6 courses of 10 hours for about 110 teachers of all levels) A.S. 2010/11;
  • Heureka, Helsinki, Finland, 2010;
  • Copernicus, Warsaw, Poland, 2010;
  • EASE specialization school, Genoa Science Festival, 2010;
  • Course for operators of Small Circus schools (Univ Tor Vergata) A.A. 2009/10 and 2011/12;
  • Second level Master’s in Scientific Communication (Univ. of Cagliari) A.A. 2009.

We are currently engaged with other partners in projects aimed at combating educational poverty and promoting scientific dissemination at the intersection of ART and SCIENCE:

  • SC.ART – Civic School of Sciences and Arts – since 2022 – led by Coop. Pantarei Sardegna
  • DIRE & FARE – Combating educational poverty in the Ogliastra territory in 2023 – led by Coop. Schema libero
  • SHARPER – Researchers’ Night


And in previous years:

  • FRAGILI EQUILIBRI: An interactive educational laboratory project. 2013 – Festival della Scienza di Genova 
  • LA SCIENZA NEL PIANETA LIBRO: A project to promote scientific dissemination, especially Mathematics and Physics, in the Libraries of the Province of Cagliari.
  • ENERGIA IN GIOCO: A scientific educational project for schools of all levels.
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